Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Priorty of Covenantal Education

Cornelius Van Til wrote, " We have found in the covenant and in the creation idea a divine ordinance for education. Our educational program as involved in the covenant idea is based upon the concept of creation, and the concept of creation is once more based upon our idea of God. And as for our idea of God, we hold to it not as a moral or mental luxury but as the very foundation of the structure of human experience"

The Christian Community in the Western world is lacking in the training, educating, and equipping in its broader community setting, primarily because its too individualistic and independent in its thinking. True Christian Education teaches truth about God from His Word, combined with practical life application and strong biblical and theological base. God gives this responsibility to the parents and churches; they are responsible to bequeath this gift to their children, this is why it is called Covenant education.

Our assignment to "make disciples" is beckoning is to take action. The inroads of modernism and postmodernism into our culture present a huge challenge to families and churches today. But it is a noble assignment and we must rely on His great grace to accomplish it.

True Covenant Education will enhance church growth, renew and revitalize the church, and help us to remember who we are, why we are here, and the legacy we must pass on to the present and future generations.

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