Monday, March 22, 2010

Divine Timing and Order

Procrastination--not acting when the time is right--is a self-defeating behavior. It produces anxiety, guilt, disharmony,and a nagging consciousness of the task that life is telling us it's time to do.

However we are not always procrastination when we put off doing something. Sometimes, doing a thing before the time is right can be as self-defeating as waiting too long.

We can learn to discern the difference. Listen. Be still. What is past due and creating anxiety and prodding within you?

Is there something in your life you are avoiding because you don't want to face it? Is there a building anxiety from putting it off ?

Sometimes anger, fear, or feeling helpless can motivate procrastination. Sometimes, procrastination has simply become habitual.

Trust and listen today. The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. Watch and pray. If it is not yet time, wait until the time is right.

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