Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Becoming Yourself

Screwtape clarifies the Enemy's intent:

 Of course I know that the Enemy also wants to detach men from themselves, but in a different way. Remember always, that He really like the little vermin, and sets an absurd value on the distinctness of every one of them. When He talks of their losing their selves, He only means abandoning the clamour of self-will; once they have done that , He really gives them back all their personality, and boasts (I am afraid, sincerely) that when they are wholly His they will be more themselves that ever. Hence, while He is delighted to see them sacrificing even their innocent wills to His, He hates to see them drifting away from their own nature for any other reason. And we should always encourage them to do so.

~ from The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis

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