Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bringing You Out To Take You In

" then you shall say to your son: We were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt and the Lord brought us out with a mighty hand; and the Lord showed signs and wonders before our eyes, great and severe, against Egypt, Pharaoh, and all his household. The He brought us out from there, that He might bring us in, to give us the land of which He swore to our fathers". Deuteronomy 6:21-23

The Lord is bringing you out in order to take you in !! This is the cyclical process of our journey with Him. It seems that we frequently lose traction in our walk resulting in our getting stuck, and the feeling of being trapped. Good news today my friend. God is able by His Mighty Hand to take you out so He may bring you in to the place of your inheritance. Submit yourself to Him, call upon His name, He will answer you and will make a way where there seems to be no way.

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