Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is the foundation of change. Do-it-yourself efforts cannot sustain us for the journey only for the short sprints. So what is spiritual growth and how do I get it you may ask. It begins with our perception of God. Who is God to you ? Is He a relentless taskmaster, a hard-hearted, shaming wizard with tricks up His sleeve? Is he deaf ? Uncaring ? Haphazard ? Unforgiving ?

God is not like man. God is loving and caring. God is a master potter and we are the clay. The potter allows no more pain than necessary for usefulness, healing, cleansing and spiritual growth. God is ready to pour as much goodness and joy as our clay pot can hold, as soon we are ready to be healed, open and ready to receive. God is approving, accepting , instantly forgiving.

God is a Master Artist and will weave together all our joy, sadness, and experience to create a portrait of our life with depth, beauty, sensitivity, color, humor, and feeling.

God is good and His Mercy endures forever !

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