Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"And it came to pass...."

We can't always be sure that things will always work out, but we will always have the strength to make it through. We can trust that eventually both the bad and good will come to pass.

I've had the good ripped away from me numerous times and felt the sorrow and loss so much so that I thought I would drown. But it passed.

All I'm saying is that sometimes the bad guys win and the good guys lose. Sometimes it's the other way around. Sometimes nothing that we do seems to swing the decision one way or the other, but we can always come back tomorrow. There's always another chance another opportunity to play the game, dance, sweat, cry. And maybe it's the experience, not the outcome that is the true prize.

If you're feeling a loss of strength or confidence, let go of the desperate need for positive outcome in your life. Realize that this, too, will pass. Gain your joy and strength from knowing that whether an event is good or bad, we're enriched by our experiences especially when we accept and embrace them for what they are. God never wastes a pain. Pray to discern the purpose in your pain. Only we can choose to learn from them or allow resentment and foolish expectations destroy their value.

Dust yourself off. Pick yourself up. Step up to the plate and get back in the game. God will give you the hope, faith, and courage to carry it on through if you ask.

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