Sunday, August 8, 2010

Grief, Denial and Moving Forward

I would like to start off by saying Thank You for your support of Locus Life in spite of my lengthy absence at times. I have pushed myself with deadlines and goals most of my life.Maybe I am tired of running "that race". Maybe it has to do with the quest for success, the brass ring or the pot at the end of the rainbow that leaves me asking hard questions like why am I doing this?

Honestly in this season of life I would rather strive to be a servant who leaves a significant deposit in the lives of others and not be so driven for success but rather lead from a position of rest. A good friend of mine often says "rest is not inactivity but directed activity". Deadlines and goals can be good when the priority is right and you control them and not the opposite.

My last post dealt with Grief. I attempt to blog with passion and purpose for your edification & nourishment and not just to meet the"daily goal"....Sometimes when I blog I end up receiving a "backwash" of  truth that takes time to work out. Such has been the case recently. I believe many of us carry more grief than we ever realize or care to admit. This is what leads to my next subject DENIAL !!

Denial is a powerful tool. Never underestimate its ability to cloud your vision. Be aware that, for many reasons, we have become experts at using this to make reality more tolerable. We have learned well how to stop the pain caused by reality--not by changing our circumstances, but by pretending our circumstances are something other than what they are.

Do not be too hard on yourself.(Like I often do) While one part of you was busy creating a fantasy-reality, the other part went to work on accepting the truth.

Now, it is time to find courage. Face the truth. Let it sink gently in. When we can do that, we will be moved forward.

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