Monday, January 4, 2010

All Things

The Apostle Paul states in Romans 8:28 "and we know that all things work (cooperate, help, collaborate in practical harmony or synergism) together for the good (good in a physical and moral sense, and produces benefits) to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (a deliberate plan, a proposition, an advance plan, an intentional design, a setting forth or before).

This has been one of my favorite verses through out my ministry, and I am amazed as to how much strength, encouragement and practical application I continue to find in it. When we talk about "...all things working together..." it is challenging sometimes to see this in light of the pain, crisis or circumstance of the moment. This is why we must REMEMBER and keep calling back to our memory that God has and is causing all things to cooperate, collaborate in practical harmony and synergism when we STAY in His love.

God's love delivered us from ourselves so we could be ourselves "in Him" without shame and fear. His love continues to deliver us IF we remain in His steadfast love. When we rest in His PURPOSE, His deliberate advanced plans and designs naturally begin to manifest because they have been predetermined from the foundations of the earth.

The Apostle Paul goes onto to say that He has PREDESTINED us to become "...conformed into His image...". The Greek word conformed means scheme or schematic, it refers to conforming oneself to a model or pattern.

This is Restoration !! God is actually restoring us to our original Image in Him (Genesis 1:26) and He is using ALL THINGS together, to bring us back and accomplish this. So you see we are actually going back to the Garden!

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