Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trouble Part 1

Trouble and prayer are closely related. Prayer is of great value to trouble. Trouble often drives men to God in prayer, while prayer is but the voice of men in trouble. Prayer often delivers out of trouble, ministers comfort in trouble, and more often gives strength to bear trouble. Failing to pray in trouble forfeits wisdom and strength available from God.

Trouble is a present state of man on earth. "Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble". Trouble is common to man. "There hath no temptation taken you but such is common to man".

A false view of life expects nothing but sunshine and looks for ease, pleasure and comfort. When we maintain this view we live a sad and disappointed life and frequently surprised when trouble breaks into our lives.

Trouble is God's servant, doing his will unless he is defeated in the execution of that will. Trouble is under the control of Almighty God, and one of his most efficient agents in fulfilling his purposes in the perfecting his saints.

God's hand is in every trouble which breaks into our lives. Not that he directly and arbitrarily orders trouble nor is he personally responsible for the painful and afflicting warfare of our lives. But no trouble is ever turned loose in the world and comes into the life of a saint or sinner, but comes with divine permission, and is allowed to exist and do its painful work with the opportunity to carry out God's gracious designs of redemption.

Some troubles are human in their origin. They arise from second causes. They originate with others and we are the sufferers. This is a world where often the innocent suffer the consequences of the acts of others. Who has not suffered at the hands of others?

To Be Continued ~

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