Saturday, October 30, 2010

Authentic Manhood

There is a dream-image of man and manhood today that does not exist. Many men have searched tirelessly in this fantasy world only to find themselves exhausted, empty and suckered into buying a fake ID, stating you are what you do, who you know, and what you own.

Our world is in desperate need for authentic men. The genuine article, the real deal, able to be recognized by anyone, anywhere, at home, on the job, in the gym and at church. In our God-given hearts, deep down men know that whatever they do in their own strength and willpower will be short lived and bear little fruit. If only men could awake from their slumbering spirit to realize, that  God has deposited authentic manhood deep within them, wrapped in a mystery which no logic or computer program can comprise.

Godly mysteries are not intended to be hidden from us but for us. God's mysteries are like time release capsules awaiting the depletion of our supply of self-sufficiency and pride before they release the power and revelation of His spirit. The bible says, "God resists the proud but He draws near to the humble..." and He loves the brokenhearted. Strangely enough most men fearfully avoid facing this spiritual power because it shatters their goal-image and reminds them of their inadequacies. So men typically ignore if not suppress it altogether.

What if, authentic manhood can be approached only in relationship with the Father God, who seeks in every man to fulfill the purpose for which He has created him ? If this is true, manhood is not something to be sought, but to be revealed as man submits to the God who called him into being and in whom his ultimate destiny lies.

Because of sin, and the fragile ego of man we men hide from God.  The first man Adam, modeled this for us in the garden when he hid from God. King David tried to hide from God too but came to this conclusion:
 "Lord , you examined me and you know me. You know everything I do ...Where could I go to escape from you? Where could I get away from your presence ? If I went up to heaven, you would be there; if I lay down in the world of the dead, you would be there. For you formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mothers womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from from You, When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth..." Psalms 139: 1,7, 8, 12-15

I pray now Father for men. Men that are hurting and tired of hiding. Men who have given up and surrendered their sword to the enemy of their soul. Have mercy Oh Lord and grant us the grace to surrender to you. The  only one who knew us in your Mother's womb, to you Father, who has numbered every hair on our head and longs to hear us cry Abba Father ! I pray Father that your spirit would draw men out of hiding to be healed and revealed as your authentic ambassadors of manhood.  Amen

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