Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Men, Spiritual Maturity and a New Way

Recently during my prayer and study times I have been drawn to the subject of men and masculinity... of course you can't go too far with this subject without running into women, which I may dare to blog  about at a later time. My focus has taken me back to the beginning in book of Genesis, where it all began with man, woman and God in the garden.

It is fascinating, terrifying and mystical all at the same time. It is also grievous to see how much man (myself included) has struggled in his role and mission in life and including his responsibilities & relationships with Father God and family. I believe this matter is close to the heart of God and beckons our urgent attention.

Below are few excerpts from a short article I discovered entitled "Healing the Tear in the Masculine Soul" by Ted Dobson, a Catholic priest. Declaring that men today have excluded themselves from the most important issues of life.

Since these are excerpts and the blog requires a title to post I chose the above mentioned title.This is a huge subject that with many dimensions and facets and I am looking forward to what lies ahead on this journey and receiving further insight from the Lord.

Dobson writes:

"Spiritually, faith is considered by many men at the most to be a personal matter of which they would rarely talk, but more often to be a woman's area of concern, for it implies a lack of independence and self-assurance that does not coincide with their macho self-image...

There is a "tear" in the masculine soul--a gaping hole or wound that leads to a profound insecurity. The German psychologist , Alexander Mitscherlich, has written that society has torn the soul of the male, and into this tear demons have fled--demons of insecurity, selfishness, and despair. Consequently, men do not know who they are as men. Rather, they define themselves by what they do, who they know, or what they own.

As we bring our insecurity, unforgiveness, and immature thought/behavior patterns to the Lord honestly and vulnerably, He can free us from our pain and weakness and both lead and empower us to live a new way."


Brad Herman said...

That was good, Kimble. Thanks for sharing it. I think the idea of the tear is very true, and most men try to handle it on their own. That is always going to be a loose/loose situation. Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Read this after our discussion on the phone yesterday! Right on target, my brother!
